
Intraoral scanner used with laptop, a big touch screen and fully adjustable IOS Cart Touch, makes a scanning experience as good as it gets.

7 in stock

The laptop is placed on the pull-out shelf. It can be stored in the cart and fully operated by touch screen. Cables are routed from the laptop through openings into the accessory compartment. They slide in and out of the cart along with the laptop, so they don’t interfere with work. Only the extension cord should be visible and can be hung on the hook on the table leg. The accessory compartment is spacious enough for all adapters, power sockets etc.

IOS Cart Touch has an adjustable height and can be used comfortably even when scanning in a standing position. The screen can be also adjusted in height and tilted so that you can always see the image clearly.

The cart features an adjustable bracket on which the scanner holder can be mounted. This way the scanner is easily accessible when needed and safely hanging when not. Another handy part is a shelf, either for WI FI receiver, batteries or other accessories.

Thanks to the numerous adjustable features of the IOS Cart Touch, scanning is intuitive and convenient.


Delavska ulica 19, 
3000 Celje,
Slovenia Europe
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